
Our mission is to share opportunities to dance, and to encourage people to participate in actual physical contact with each other. We rely on our readers and the dance community for content. Everything on this site is the result of generous contribution by other dancers, in some shape or form. It could be a class you teach, a workshop or a jam you organize, a youtube video you’ve posted, or an article you wrote and shared with us.  What we do is simply find what’s already there, and share it with others. Our hope is that more people discover the dance form, resonate with it, connect with their local communities, and dance their hearts out. Please contribute, and join the dance!

Add Your Event

If you teach a regular Contact Improv class in or around the San Francisco Bay Area, or organizing a workshop / jam somewhere around the US West Coast, or know of an event we’ve missed, just send us a note at, or leave a comment below, and we’ll add it to our list.

It is best if your event has a link – a webpage, a Facebook event – something for us and participants to refer to, and know if the event is still current.

For an added bonus, feel free to write an article about your event, add some photos, and submit to us for publication. Your article will appear online, and will also be emailed to our newsletter subscribers.

Share a Video

A good Contact Improv video is perhaps one of the best ways to give an idea about the dance form for someone who never heard of it. It’s also a great way to share ideas of what’s possible in Contact Improv – not every class can cover lifts, or falls, or body surfing, but those could be fun reminders for contacters to experiment with next time, or add them to their repertoire.

So, you’ve run into a really nice video you want to share? Send it to us at

Submit an Article

If you have something to share with other fellow dancers, please write an article and send it to us at, and we’ll be happy to publish it on our site.

There are a few simple guidelines for an article submission:

  • Your article should be related to Contact Improvisation or a similar / related dance form. If you’re not sure, just ask us.
  • The text is well written. Check your grammar and spelling, proof-read it yourself. We’d like our posts to read well, and be useful to our readers.
  • An authentic share of your experience. It’s OK to mention your event, or even be entirely about that class you teach, but please don’t try to just outright sell it. This is not an advertising platform, but a way to grow the community and enrich readers’ experience.
  • Add an image, if at all possible. Photos, drawings, videos – anything visual is a huge plus for a post. If you can’t think of anything else, just add your own picture. It’s always a joy to recognize someone at a jam because of a great article they posted.

And if you have more than one article to submit – so much the better! Keep’em coming.
